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Display the Machine State

We want to create a machine state as if we had a CNC that sends us a "1" every time a part is created, otherwise the input signal returns to "0".


Have a dashboard ready to use.

Create your tiles

Our configuration will allow us to display the current state of our CNC machine but also to see it's state and uptime through the shift.

Go to your dashboard in configuration mode and select "Machine State" for your tile type.

Machine State icon

The form will look like that:

Machine State form

Let's go through it step by step:

  • Machine is what represent your machine in the application.
  • The event name is the name you gave your machine state event name in the created action.
  • The detected popup toggle allows you to show or not when the machine stops. The selected option here is to show the popup right when the machine stops. You could want not to show it, on an administrator dashboard per example.
  • The machine variables buttons could be "Operator", "SKU Number", "Work Order", etc. You can decide to show the modification buttons for them or not.
  • The last option in the advanced tab is to have a redirect button at the top right of your tile. You could easily go from a global factory dashboard to a specific machine dashboard per example.

The event name prefix "mst" means "Machine State". It is more of a nomenclature convention than an obligation. Give the name you want to your machine state event. The name just has to be the same in your machine state action and machine state tile.

The other two tiles linked to the machine state are the Tilmeline tile and the Scorecard tile.

Timeline icon Scorecard icon

The Timeline tile form is pretty straightforward and needs the same information as the Machine State tile.

For the Scorecard tile, you need to choose "Machine" as the data type and choose what KPI you want to show.
Availability, uptime, planned production time and more are available with the "Machine KPI" option selection input.


With this step by step tutorial, you should be able to build your own machines and machine states to monitor your availability.

Contact us if you need more info on Machine States.