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Homepage and Navigation

This page describes the homepage and the main navigation tools in the application.

  1. Access your dashboards from here. You will most likely spend a lot of time here to monitor activity in your facilities.
  2. Access your top views from here. It allows you to get a global look of what is happening in your factory.
  3. Wherever you are, click on the logo to go back to the homepage.
  4. Acces your reports from here.
  5. The dropdown menu is a quick access to all you need everywhere in the application. See the section below, to see where it can take you to.
  6. Bookmarks are quick access links to a few dashboards and top views of your choice.
  7. The breadcrumb tells you where you are in the application. Let's say you are on a dashboard called Machine1-OEE, the breadcrumb will show Home > Dashboards > Machine1-OEE.
  8. This is the version number of the application. Clicking on it will bring you to the changelog, where you can see the latest updates on the product.
  9. The bug button will open a quick questionnaire so you can fill in a bug report or propose features for the application.
  10. The smiley-face button will open a quick questionnaire to allow you to give us feedback on your satisfaction.

A quick access to all you need everywhere in the application.

  1. Username - This is where you click to open the dropdown.
  2. My profile allows you to edit your name, your username and your password.
  3. Configuration to access the configuration pages.
  4. Events redirects to the events page.
  5. Français/English to choose your preferred language.
  6. Change Log to access to the changelog page, where you can see the latest updates on the product.
  7. Report a Bug opens the bug report form.
  8. Documentation website opens a new tab to the documentation website.
  9. Log out of the application.