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Events Types

This page presents the different types of events and how they are used.

What is an Event

Events are create by and only by an action.

They are 3 types of actions that can create events:

Machine State Event

Used to create the Machine State, the status can be ON or OFF. Both are linked to a machine and an event name.
See here to read more about it.

Part Event

The Part event is used to record the lifecycle of the creation of a part in production.
It can record when the part goes, IN / OUT of the production line or could be a SCRAP. This action is essential to calculate your OEE.

Default Event

The default Event is used to record anything that can not be done by the other two.
To use it, you have to give it a name and a new event will be recorded in the database every time the rule is triggered.

You can also add parameters to your action to record what you would like. Here an example of an Event action that records the current temperature every time the event is created.

Default Events on dashboards

To display events on a dashboard, you can either use graphic tiles or the scorecard tile.
Select Event under Data Type and then fill in your event name (it autocompletes with all the existing event names).
Submit and you have your graph over time or, the count of events during the selected collection period if you chose a scorecard.